mennessä Teemu Tarhala | huhti 21, 2023
The Occupational Safety Card training will provide you with a green occupational safety card issued by TTK ry. The training takes 8 hours and is conducted online. The goal is an interesting course that is genuinely beneficial.
The training starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm. There is a lunch break at 10:45 am. The training includes 15-minute breaks between topics.
If you already have a valid green card, you can participate in a revision course. The revision course is the last section of the day course. You will join the other participants at 11:30 am and take a joint exam at the end of the day.
8:30 Course begins
- A common workplace’s principles of occupational safety and health
- The effects of work on a person’s health and safety
- Planning safe work
10:45 Lunch
- The principles of occupational safety and health of a common workplace
- Identification and assessment of the risk and stress factors of work
- The principles of healthy and safe working
- The importance of human operations for occupational safety
15:30 Exam
You will receive three links with your order confirmation for the training. The second link is for the actual webinar, and the last two links are for signing up for TTK’s day or revision course.
Practical arrangements
You will receive a confirmation of registration to your email. An invoice will be sent to you based on the information provided during registration. The invoice is expected to be paid before the training day or at the latest on the day after the training day.
Upon request, you will receive a temporary certificate of completion from the course and the actual card will be delivered in about a week. The delivery of the physical card is subject to the payment of the training fee.
You can participate in the training from your own device. The prerequisite is a video, camera, and voice connection. Please come to test the devices’ functionality from 8.15-8.30 so that the day can start smoothly.
mennessä Teemu Tarhala | huhti 21, 2023
The Occupational Safety Card training will provide you with a green occupational safety card issued by TTK ry. The training takes 8 hours and is conducted online. The goal is an interesting course that is genuinely beneficial.
The training starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm. There is a lunch break at 10:45 am. The training includes 15-minute breaks between topics.
If you already have a valid green card, you can participate in a revision course. The revision course is the last section of the day course. You will join the other participants at 11:30 am and take a joint exam at the end of the day.
8:30 Course begins
- A common workplace’s principles of occupational safety and health
- The effects of work on a person’s health and safety
- Planning safe work
10:45 Lunch
- The principles of occupational safety and health of a common workplace
- Identification and assessment of the risk and stress factors of work
- The principles of healthy and safe working
- The importance of human operations for occupational safety
15:30 Exam
You will receive three links with your order confirmation for the training. The second link is for the actual webinar, and the last two links are for signing up for TTK’s day or revision course.
Practical arrangements
You will receive a confirmation of registration to your email. An invoice will be sent to you based on the information provided during registration. The invoice is expected to be paid before the training day or at the latest on the day after the training day.
Upon request, you will receive a temporary certificate of completion from the course and the actual card will be delivered in about a week. The delivery of the physical card is subject to the payment of the training fee.
You can participate in the training from your own device. The prerequisite is a video, camera, and voice connection. Please come to test the devices’ functionality from 8.15-8.30 so that the day can start smoothly.
mennessä Teemu Tarhala | huhti 21, 2023
The Occupational Safety Card training will provide you with a green occupational safety card issued by TTK ry. The training takes 8 hours and is conducted online. The goal is an interesting course that is genuinely beneficial.
The training starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm. There is a lunch break at 10:45 am. The training includes 15-minute breaks between topics.
You can participate in a revision course if you already have a valid green card. The revision course is the last section of the day course. You will join the other participants at 11:30 am and take a joint exam at the end of the day.
8:30 Course begins
- A common workplace’s principles of occupational safety and health
- The effects of work on a person’s health and safety
- Planning safe work
10:45 Lunch
- The principles of occupational safety and health of a common workplace
- Identification and assessment of the risk and stress factors of work
- The principles of healthy and safe working
- The importance of human operations for occupational safety
15:30 Exam
You will receive three links with your order confirmation for the training. The second link is for the webinar, and the last two links are for signing up for TTK’s day or revision course.
Practical arrangements
You will receive a confirmation of registration in your email. An invoice will be sent to you based on the information provided during registration. The invoice is expected to be paid before or at the latest on the day after the training day.
Upon request, you will receive a temporary certificate of completion from the course, and the actual card will be delivered in about a week. The delivery of the physical card is subject to the payment of the training fee.
You can participate in the training from your own device. The prerequisite is a video, camera, and voice connection. Please come to test the devices’ functionality from 8.15-8.30 so that the day can start smoothly.
mennessä Teemu Tarhala | maalis 19, 2023
Työturvallisuuskorttikoulutus antaa sinulle TTK ry:n myöntämän vihreän työturvallisuuskortin. Korttikoulutus kestää 8h ja se suoritetaan verkossa. Tavoitteena on mielenkiintoinen kurssi, josta on oikeasti hyötyä.
Koulutus alkaa klo 08.30 ja päättyy klo 16.00. Ruokatauko 10.45. Koulutus sisältää 15 minuutin taukoja asioiden välillä.
Mikäli sinulla on voimassa oleva vihreä kortti, voit osallistua kertauskurssille. Kertauskurssi on päiväkurssin viimeinen osio. Liityt muiden kurssilaisien mukaan klo 11.30 ja osallistut yhteiseen tenttiin päivän päätteeksi.
08.30 Korttikoulutus alkaa
- Yhteisen työpaikan määritelmä ja työsuojelun tarkoitus
- Työn vaikutukset ihmisen terveyteen ja turvallisuuteen
- Turvallisen työn suunnittelu
10.45 Lounastauko
11.30 Iltapäivän ohjelma alkaa – kertauskurssin suorittajat liittyvät mukaan.
- Yhteisen työpaikan työsuojelun ja -turvallisuuden periaatteet
- Työn vaara- ja kuormitustekijöiden tunnistaminen
- Turvallisen ja terveellisen työskentelyn periaatteet
- Ihmisen toiminnan merkitys työturvallisuudelle
15:30 Koe
16:00 Koulutuspäivä päättyy